If you’re in a survival scenario that forces you onto the streets, you might find yourself turning to homeless people for advice.
Growing a garden that feeds your family would take a lot of work. Here’s what you would need to do to live off of your garden.
This is a simple system for building a one-month food supply. Simply create a 10-day menu for each meal, them multiply the ingredients by 3.
Other than oxygen and shelter, water is the most important necessity for survival. That’s why we need to learn many ways to purify water. #urbansurvivalsite #purifying #waterpurification #survivalwater #emergency
Another Great Depression is coming, which is why now is the time to practice basic life skills that will get you through hard times.
If you’re facing a drought and have limited water for your garden, these drought-tolerant plants are the ones most likely to survive.
What if a disaster knocks out the power to your home, leaving you without a refrigerator? Here are nine ways to keep your food cold.
Discover the healing power of Usnea, a medicinal lichen. Learn what it looks like, what it’s good for, and how to use it.
Yard sales are a great place to search for survival items. Here’s a list of 50 emergency supplies to look for while searching yard sales.
Growing your own groceries in five-gallon buckets allows you to raise enough food to feed a family of four in a tiny space.